Product is used to export Products
Column Destinations
Altohugh product has many different column destinations, we would describe only ones that have special functionality.
Picture Alt attribute
Picture Title attribute
Picture Display Order
Category Name or ID
If product exists in multiple categories, they will be included in one cell, | (vertical bar) symbol will be used to separate them. Example, Laptops|Macbook if product is in Laptops and Macbook category at the same time.
If you are exporting category name, it will be full category path. For example Laptops>>Macbooks.
Manufacturer Name or ID
If product exists in multiple manufacturers, they will be included in one cell, | (vertical bar) symbol will be used to separate them. Example, Apple|Dell if product is in Dell and Apple manufacturers at the same time.
Discount Name or ID
If your product has multiple discounts they will be saved using | (vertical bar) symbol. Example, 20% off|30% off if product has 20% off and 30% off discounts.
Specification Attribute '<Attribute Name>'
If your product has multiple options of the same attribute they will be saved using | (vertical bar) symbol.
Below you would find some constants that represent different values for some Column Mappings. These values will be used in cells during exports.
Product type
For Simple Product use value 5 For Grouped Product use value 10
For No Backorders use value 0 For Allow Qty Below 0 use value 1 For Allow Qty Below 0 And Notify Customer use value 2
Download activation type
For When Order Is Paid use value 0 For Manualy use value 10
Gift card type
For Virtual use value 0 For Physical use value 1
Low stock activity
For Nothing use value 0 For Disable Buy Button use value 1 For Unpublish use value 2
Inventory method
For Dont Manage Stock use value 0 For Manage Stock use value 1 For Manage Stock By Attributes use value 2
Cycle Period
For Days use value 0 For Weeks use value 10 For Months use value 20 For Years use value 30
Rental period length
For Days use value 0 For Weeks use value 10 For Months use value 20 For Years use value 30
Example Table
IPhone 12
IPhone 13
IPhone 14
Phone>>IPhone|New Products
Macbook Air
Macbook Pro
Laptops>>Apple | Laptops>>High end
Last updated